{"provider_url": "explore.keshif.me", "bookmark_id": "Insight3", "create_date": "2018-06-27 03:01:24", "description": "Insight3 ~ Sbunker\u2019s Kosovar readers are highly interested in discussions about human rights, politics and economy, with social critique and education coming up further as more popular reads. On a particular note, the reader has shown very weak interest in ethnic relations discussions \u2013 contrary to common consensus within media critique in Kosovo, and even less interest for discussions on welfare policies, which is in direct contrast with Kosovo\u2019s growing concerns in the aforementioned fields. The reasons behind this previously unpredicted behavior are to be further explored, with saturation and a mismatch between readers\u2019 needs and information supply as possible starting points.", "success": true, "title": "Sbunker Articles", "uri": "/Sbunker/Articles/Insight3", "html": "", "author_name": "Sbunker", "height": 600, "width": 970, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "https://explore.keshif.me/Sbunker", "provider_name": "Keshif", "type": "rich", "dataset_id": "Articles"}