{"provider_url": "explore.keshif.me", "bookmark_id": "Insight2", "create_date": "2018-06-27 02:58:09", "description": "Insight2 ~ Significant lack of female authors in sectors of Politics and Economy was found, a reflection of the overall national trend of gender inclusion. Only 18% of articles in the fields of Politics were contributions by female authors, and only 20% in the field of Economy. This finding confirms previous research on gender mainstreaming and representation, and indicates a new goal for the organization to promote equality in author representation in these fields of expertise. ", "success": true, "title": "Sbunker Articles", "uri": "/Sbunker/Articles/Insight2", "html": "", "author_name": "Sbunker", "height": 600, "width": 970, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "https://explore.keshif.me/Sbunker", "provider_name": "Keshif", "type": "rich", "dataset_id": "Articles"}