{"provider_url": "explore.keshif.me", "bookmark_id": "Insight1", "create_date": "2018-06-26 22:03:07", "description": "Insight1 ~ The countries with the largest labor activity rates in Balkans are Macedonia, Albania, and Bosnia & Herzegovina, which all have high rates for male labor activity. The countries with the lowest labor activity rates are Kosovo and Serbia, mainly due to women\u2019s lack of involvement in the labor market.", "success": true, "title": "A Bottleneck of Development: Women Labor Inactivity", "uri": "/D4D-KS/BalkanLaborDevelopment/Insight1", "html": "", "author_name": "Democracy for Development", "height": 600, "width": 970, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "https://explore.keshif.me/D4D-KS", "provider_name": "Keshif", "type": "rich", "dataset_id": "BalkanLaborDevelopment"}